Kod ¼ród³owy Snake'a -d¿d¿owniczka, w±¿, jakkolwiekJedna z pierwszych gier autora strony. Z muzyk±. Edytor plansz oraz gra multiplayer lub inaczej gra na dwóch
program dzdzownica;
uses crt,graph,grafik,matma,rysunki,Drivers,dos,rawy;
Label Poczatek,Koniec,Gra,Autorzy,Ustawienia,Pet;
Const opcje:Array[1..5] of string= ('Game Start','Options','From author','Game over','Turbo Pascal 7.0');
ust:Array[1..5] of string= ('Build level','Music & Sound','1 or 2 Players','Difficulty', 'Back to menu');
dzw:Array[1..3,1..5] of word= ((100,201,62,40,0),(200,240,250,220,300) ,(200,540,150,220,200));
bud:Array[1..4] of byte= (2,3,7,11);
nazwa:Array[1..4] of string= ('Wall','Ground','Protect','Corridor');
poztr:Array[1..3] of string= ('(1) Easy','(2) Normal','(3) Hard');
zkim:Array[1..2] of string= ('(1) 1 Player','(2) 2 Players');
Var ch:char; czaskuli,dg,dg2,o,dl,ou,rys,key,lev,sz,sz2, wx,wy,bi,wc,zwyc,runda:byte; dx,dy,xm,dx2,dy2:ShortInt; ob:Array[1..17] of pointer; x,y,r,pkt,kul,sp,splev,kul2,pkt2,x2,y2:word; pl:Array[1..25,1..23] of byte; ga,ga2:Array[1..50,1..2] of ShortInt; plik,wtopa,wtopa2,dzwiek,wyjscie,czysc,speaker, soundblaster,raw,r1,r2,wyl:boolean; f:file of byte; s:string; kulki:Array[1..4,1..3] of byte; monit:Array[1..7] of string; pr,dr,m:integer; pliki:Array[1..500] of string[12]; naz:SearchRec;
procedure Zapamietaj; Var a:integer; begin ClearDevice; Randomize; r:=ImageSize(1,1,20,20); for a:=1 to 17 do GetMem(ob[a],r); {Tuˆ¢w} SetFillStyle(1,12); SetColor(4); FillEllipse(10,10,9,9); GetImage(1,1,20,20,ob[1]^); {Niebieska ˜ciana} SetFillStyle(1,9); Bar(21,1,40,20); Przycisk(21,1,40,20,3,1); GetImage(21,1,40,20,ob[2]^); {Ziemia} SetFillStyle(1,6); Bar(41,1,60,20); Narysuj('.GrafikaDzdz4'); GetImage(41,1,60,20,ob[3]^); {Kula na zjedzonej ziemi} SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(70,10,4,4); GetImage(61,1,80,20,ob[12]^); {Kula na ziemi} PutImage(61,1,ob[3]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(70,10,4,4); GetImage(61,1,80,20,ob[4]^); {Druga kula na zjedzonej ziemi} SetFillStyle(1,15); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(90,10,6,6); GetImage(81,1,100,20,ob[13]^); {Druga kula na ziemi} PutImage(81,1,ob[3]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,15); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(90,10,6,6); GetImage(81,1,100,20,ob[5]^); {Trzecia Kula na zjedzonej ziemi} SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(15); FillEllipse(110,10,8,8); FillEllipse(110,10,4,4); GetImage(101,1,120,20,ob[14]^); {Trzecia Kula na ziemi} PutImage(101,1,ob[3]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(15); FillEllipse(110,10,8,8); FillEllipse(110,10,4,4); GetImage(101,1,120,20,ob[6]^); {Zielona ˜ciana} SetFillStyle(1,2); Bar(121,1,140,20); Przycisk(121,1,140,20,10,8); GetImage(121,1,140,20,ob[7]^); {Gˆowa w g¢r©} PutImage(141,1,ob[1]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(144,10,3,3); FillEllipse(156,10,3,3); GetImage(141,1,160,20,ob[8]^); {Gˆowa w bok} PutImage(161,1,ob[1]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(170,4,3,3); FillEllipse(170,16,3,3); GetImage(161,1,180,20,ob[9]^); {Wyj˜cie} SetFillStyle(5,14); Bar(181,1,200,20); GetImage(181,1,200,20,ob[10]^); {Pusty kwadrat} GetImage(201,1,220,20,ob[11]^); {Tuˆ¢w 2} SetFillStyle(1,10); SetColor(2); FillEllipse(10,10,9,9); GetImage(1,1,20,20,ob[15]^); {Gˆowa w g¢r©} PutImage(141,1,ob[15]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(10); FillEllipse(144,10,3,3); FillEllipse(156,10,3,3); GetImage(141,1,160,20,ob[16]^); {Gˆowa w bok} PutImage(161,1,ob[15]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(10); FillEllipse(170,4,3,3); FillEllipse(170,16,3,3); GetImage(161,1,180,20,ob[17]^);
{czekaj;} ClearDevice;
procedure ZapamietajLat; Var a:integer; begin ClearDevice; Randomize; r:=ImageSize(1,1,20,20); for a:=1 to 17 do GetMem(ob[a],r); {Tuˆ¢w} SetFillStyle(1,12); SetColor(4); FillEllipse(10,10,9,9); GetImage(1,1,20,20,ob[1]^); {Chmurka} SetFillStyle(1,9); Bar(21,25,40,44); Narysuj('.Grafikadzdz6'); przycisk(21,25,40,44,3,8); GetImage(21,25,40,44,ob[2]^); {Ziemia} SetFillStyle(1,6); Bar(41,1,60,20); Narysuj('.GrafikaDzdz4'); GetImage(41,1,60,20,ob[3]^); {Kula na zjedzonej ziemi} SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(70,10,4,4); GetImage(61,1,80,20,ob[12]^); {Kula na ziemi} PutImage(61,1,ob[3]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(70,10,4,4); GetImage(61,1,80,20,ob[4]^); {Druga kula na zjedzonej ziemi} SetFillStyle(1,15); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(90,10,6,6); GetImage(81,1,100,20,ob[13]^); {Druga kula na ziemi} PutImage(81,1,ob[3]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,15); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(90,10,6,6); GetImage(81,1,100,20,ob[5]^); {Trzecia Kula na zjedzonej ziemi} SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(15); FillEllipse(110,10,8,8); FillEllipse(110,10,4,4); GetImage(101,1,120,20,ob[14]^); {Trzecia Kula na ziemi} PutImage(101,1,ob[3]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(15); FillEllipse(110,10,8,8); FillEllipse(110,10,4,4); GetImage(101,1,120,20,ob[6]^); {Sˆoäce} SetFillStyle(1,9); Bar(121,1,140,20); SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(14); FillEllipse(130,10,7,7); linia(130,0,130,20,14); line(121,10,140,10); linia(122,2,138,18,14); line(138,2,122,18); linia(127,14,128,15,0); linia(133,14,132,15,0); linia(128,15,132,15,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); FillEllipse(126,10,1,1); FillEllipse(134,10,1,1); Przycisk(121,1,140,20,3,8); GetImage(121,1,140,20,ob[7]^); {Gˆowa w g¢r©} PutImage(141,1,ob[1]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(144,10,3,3); FillEllipse(156,10,3,3); GetImage(141,1,160,20,ob[8]^); {Gˆowa w bok} PutImage(161,1,ob[1]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(170,4,3,3); FillEllipse(170,16,3,3); GetImage(161,1,180,20,ob[9]^); {Wyj˜cie} SetFillStyle(5,14); Bar(181,1,200,20); GetImage(181,1,200,20,ob[10]^); {Pusty kwadrat} GetImage(201,1,220,20,ob[11]^); {Tuˆ¢w 2} SetFillStyle(1,10); SetColor(2); FillEllipse(10,10,9,9); GetImage(1,1,20,20,ob[15]^); {Gˆowa w g¢r©} PutImage(141,1,ob[15]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(10); FillEllipse(144,10,3,3); FillEllipse(156,10,3,3); GetImage(141,1,160,20,ob[16]^); {Gˆowa w bok} PutImage(161,1,ob[15]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(10); FillEllipse(170,4,3,3); FillEllipse(170,16,3,3); GetImage(161,1,180,20,ob[17]^);
{czekaj;} ClearDevice; end;
procedure ZapamietajTrud; Var a:integer; begin ClearDevice; Randomize; r:=ImageSize(1,1,20,20); for a:=1 to 17 do GetMem(ob[a],r); {Tuˆ¢w} SetFillStyle(1,12); SetColor(4); FillEllipse(10,10,9,9); GetImage(1,1,20,20,ob[1]^); {Niebieska ˜ciana} SetFillStyle(1,7); Bar(21,1,40,20); Przycisk(21,1,40,20,15,8); GetImage(21,1,40,20,ob[2]^); {Ziemia} SetFillStyle(1,5); Bar(41,1,60,20); Narysuj('.GrafikaDzdz4'); GetImage(41,1,60,20,ob[3]^); {Kula na zjedzonej ziemi} SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(70,10,4,4); GetImage(61,1,80,20,ob[12]^); {Kula na ziemi} PutImage(61,1,ob[3]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(70,10,4,4); GetImage(61,1,80,20,ob[4]^); {Druga kula na zjedzonej ziemi} SetFillStyle(1,15); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(90,10,6,6); GetImage(81,1,100,20,ob[13]^); {Druga kula na ziemi} PutImage(81,1,ob[3]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,15); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(90,10,6,6); GetImage(81,1,100,20,ob[5]^); {Trzecia Kula na zjedzonej ziemi} SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(15); FillEllipse(110,10,8,8); FillEllipse(110,10,4,4); GetImage(101,1,120,20,ob[14]^); {Trzecia Kula na ziemi} PutImage(101,1,ob[3]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,14); SetColor(15); FillEllipse(110,10,8,8); FillEllipse(110,10,4,4); GetImage(101,1,120,20,ob[6]^); {Zielona ˜ciana} SetFillStyle(1,2); Bar(121,1,140,20); SetFillStyle(1,10); SetColor(8); Circle(131,11,5); SetColor(2); FillEllipse(130,10,5,5);
Przycisk(121,1,140,20,15,8); GetImage(121,1,140,20,ob[7]^); {Gˆowa w g¢r©} PutImage(141,1,ob[1]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(144,10,3,3); FillEllipse(156,10,3,3); GetImage(141,1,160,20,ob[8]^); {Gˆowa w bok} PutImage(161,1,ob[1]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(12); FillEllipse(170,4,3,3); FillEllipse(170,16,3,3); GetImage(161,1,180,20,ob[9]^); {Wyj˜cie} SetFillStyle(5,14); Bar(181,1,200,20); GetImage(181,1,200,20,ob[10]^); {Pusty kwadrat} GetImage(201,1,220,20,ob[11]^); {Tuˆ¢w 2} SetFillStyle(1,10); SetColor(2); FillEllipse(10,10,9,9); GetImage(1,1,20,20,ob[15]^); {Gˆowa w g¢r©} PutImage(141,1,ob[15]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(10); FillEllipse(144,10,3,3); FillEllipse(156,10,3,3); GetImage(141,1,160,20,ob[16]^); {Gˆowa w bok} PutImage(161,1,ob[15]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(10); FillEllipse(170,4,3,3); FillEllipse(170,16,3,3); GetImage(161,1,180,20,ob[17]^);
{czekaj;} ClearDevice; end;
procedure GrajDzwiek(a:byte); Var b:byte; begin if dl>0 then begin if dl<5 then begin if dzw[a,dl]>60 then if speaker then Sound(dzw[a,dl]) else if speaker then NoSound; dl:=dl+1; end else begin dl:=0; if speaker then NoSound; end; end; end;
procedure odczytaj_opcje; Var b:byte; begin Assign(F,'.Daneconfig.muz'); Reset(F); Read(F,b); Close(F); if b>=4 then begin raw:=true;b:=b-4;end; if b>=2 then begin soundblaster:=true;b:=b-2;end; if b>=1 then begin speaker:=true;b:=b-1;end;
procedure blackamper; begin narysuj('.Grafikatecza'); SetTextStyle(2,0,7); SetColor(15); CenterText(320,350,'English version'); CenterText(321,350,'English version'); b:=0; gw_init; repeat b:=b+1; delay(10); gwi; until (keypressed or (b>500)); zapomnij; ClearDevice; narysuj('.Grafikablacka'); gw_init; b:=0; repeat b:=b+1; delay(10); gwi; until (keypressed or (b>300)); if speaker then NoSound; ClearDevice; zapomnij; end;
procedure pascal; begin ClearDevice; if soundblaster then Graj_Muzyke('.MusicMUSIC3.HSC'); okno(160,20,480,50); okno(60,80,580,380); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(15); st(30,'TURBO PASCAL 7.0'); st(90,'Down is descripton - How make a few effect :'); SetColor(14); st(110,'- How make animate picture, which not twinkle ?'); SetColor(15); st(130,'The best is use procedure GETIMAGE and PUTIMAGE. First procedure'); st(150,'memorize any picture from screen and second show this.'); SetColor(14); st(170,'- How make stars ?'); SetColor(15); st(190,'You must make table variable (the best is WORD or INTEGER),'); st(210,'which is save position X and Y, and speed star and you must'); st(230,'subtract X of 1, next if on star is nothing then you draw pixel'); st(250,'in position x & y'); SetColor(14); st(270,'How make good picture (in pascal) ?'); SetColor(15); st(290,'If you want make good picture you can make a program, which'); st(310,'can help you. I have one (this is my own). My PAINT is good'); st(330,'to draw small picture (small size). I make format PKS.'); st(350,'Pks is cool if you draw little.');
gw_init; zapomnij; repeat gwi; Delay(10); until keypressed; if soundblaster then Wylacz_muzyke; ClearDevice; end;
procedure pocz; Var a,b:integer;
begin for a:=1 to 32 do for b:=1 to 24 do PutImage((a-1)*20,(b-1)*20,ob[2+Random(2)]^,0); okno(40,50,599,230); SetTextStyle(4,0,14); SetColor(2); Centertext(318,30,'Rainworm'); SetColor(10); Centertext(319,31,'Rainworm'); SetColor(14); Centertext(320,32,'Rainworm');
SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(15); RightText(500,170,'Kamil Skoczylas'); okno(200,290,440,320); SetFillStyle(1,15); Bar(250,295,390,315); Przycisk(250,295,390,315,0,7); Przycisk(249,294,391,316,8,15);
procedure rysujopcje;
SetFillStyle(1,15); Bar(251,296,389,314); SetColor(0); st(300,opcje[o]);
procedure wybor;
begin o:=1; rysujopcje; repeat if keypressed then begin ch:=ReadKey; case ch of #72:begin o:=o-1; if o<1 then o:=5; if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound000.Raw',6);Delay(500);Wylacz;end; end; #80:begin o:=o+1; if o>5 then o:=1; if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound000.Raw',6);Delay(500);Wylacz;end; end; end; rysujopcje; if ((ch=#80) or (ch=#72)) then begin dl:=1; zapomnij; end else if ch<>#0 then zapomnij; end; if dl>0 then GrajDzwiek(1);
delay(20); until ((ch=#13) or (ch=#27)); if speaker then NoSound; if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound002.Raw',1);Delay(1000);Wylacz;end; end;
procedure aut; Var a,b:integer;
begin ClearDevice; if soundblaster then Graj_Muzyke('.MusicMUSIC4.HSC'); for a:=1 to 32 do for b:=1 to 24 do PutImage((a-1)*20,(b-1)*20,ob[2+Random(2)]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,2); Bar(140,30,500,475); przycisk(140,30,500,475,10,8); SetTextStyle(2,0,8); st(40,'FROM AUTHOR :'); SetColor(14); SetTextStyle(2,0,5); st(70,'This program was write in language :'); st(90,'Turbo Pascal 7.0. Program was make in Swi-'); st(110,'dnica by Kamil Skoczylas. I do not know'); st(130,'why - maybe because I am feel bored and I'); st(150,'long ago not make programs in pascal.'); st(170,'Any consideration you can send brought'); st(190,'internet on adress :'); SetColor(15); st(220,'BlackAmper@poczta.onet.pl'); SetColor(14); st(250,'This game is for me - the best game of'); st(270,'any rainworm. In my game are sometimes'); st(290,'balls, which add a life, slowly down a game,'); st(310,'fastes up a game, reveal map, show where is'); st(330,'exit and add a balls, which are needed'); st(350,'to go to next level.'); st(430,'Sorry for any errors in English language'); zapomnij; czekaj; if soundblaster then Wylacz_Muzyke; if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound001.Raw',1);Delay(500);Wylacz;end; end;
procedure uop; begin SetFillStyle(1,9); Bar(210,60,230,350); Bar(410,60,430,350);
PutImage(210,25+ou*50,ob[7]^,0); PutImage(410,25+ou*50,ob[7]^,0);
procedure odswiez; begin PutImage(530,220,ob[bud[ry'>]^,0); SetFillStyle(1,7); Bar(560,225,630,235); SetColor(0); tekst(560,225,nazwa[ry'>); przycisk(10+(x-1)*20,10+(y-1)*20,30+(x-1)*20,30+(y-1)*20,15,12); end;
procedure wykasuj; begin SetColor(0); RecTangle(10+(x-1)*20,10+(y-1)*20,30+(x-1)*20,30+(y-1)*20); end;
procedure kursor; begin przycisk(10+(x-1)*20,10+(y-1)*20,30+(x-1)*20,30+(y-1)*20,15,12); end;
procedure ustaw; Var a,b,d:integer; begin if soundblaster then Graj_Muzyke('.MusicMUSIC3.HSC'); repeat for a:=1 to 32 do for b:=1 to 24 do if Random(10)>5 then PutImage((a-1)*20,(b-1)*20,ob[2]^,0) else PutImage((a-1)*20,(b-1)*20,ob[7]^,0);
okno(200,40,440,360); for a:=1 to 5 do begin okno(250,20+a*50,390,50+a*50); przycisk(260,25+a*50,382,45+a*50,0,15); przycisk(261,26+a*50,381,44+a*50,8,7); SetFillStyle(1,15); Bar(262,27+a*50,380,43+a*50); SetColor(0); st(32+a*50,ust[a]); end;
zapomnij; ou:=1; uop; dl:=0; ch:=#0; repeat
if keypressed then begin ch:=ReadKey;
case ch of #72:begin ou:=ou-1; if ou<1 then ou:=5; uop; dl:=1; zapomnij; if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound000.Raw',1);Delay(300);Wylacz;end; end; #80:begin ou:=ou+1; if ou>5 then ou:=1; uop; dl:=1; zapomnij; if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound000.Raw',1);Delay(300);Wylacz;end; end; end; if ((ch<>#0) and (ch<>#72) and (ch<>#80)) then zapomnij; end; if dl>0 then GrajDzwiek(2); Delay(30); until ((ch=#27) or (ch=#13)); if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound002.Raw',1);Delay(1000);Wylacz;end; if speaker then NoSound; if ch=#27 then ou:=5; ch:=#0; zapomnij; if not ((ou=5) or (ch=#27)) then begin if ou=1 then begin for a:=1 to 25 do for b:=1 to 23 do begin pl[a,b]:=3; end;
ClearDevice; Drzwi(3,3,637,477); Przycisk(9,9,511,471,8,15); for a:=1 to 25 do for b:=1 to 23 do begin PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[pl[a,b]]^,0); end; for a:=1 to 25 do linia(10+(a-1)*20,10,10+(a-1)*20,469,0); for b:=1 to 23 do linia(10,10+(b-1)*20,509,10+(b-1)*20,0); SetTextStyle(0,0,2); SetColor(2); tekst(520,20,'What is :'); SetColor(10); tekst(522,22,'What is :'); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(0); for a:=1 to 4 do begin PutImage(530,50+a*30,ob[bud[a]]^,0); tekst(555,55+a*30,'- '+sr(a)); end; tekst(520,200,'REALLY'); tekst(520,300,'Drawing :'); tekst(520,320,'L. Shift'); x:=1; y:=1; rys:=1; odswiez; zapomnij; ch:=#0;
repeat if (GetShiftState and 2)=2 then begin if pl[x,y]<>bud[ry'> then begin
PutImage(10+(x-1)*20,10+(y-1)*20,ob[bud[ry'>]^,0); pl[x,y]:=bud[ry'>; kursor; if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound001.Raw',1);Delay(20);Zapomnij;Wylacz;end;
end; end;
if keypressed then begin ch:=ReadKey; case ch of #49:begin rys:=1; odswiez; end; #50:begin rys:=2; odswiez; end; #51:begin rys:=3; odswiez; end; #52:begin rys:=4; odswiez; end; #72:begin wykasuj; y:=y-1; if y<1 then y:=23; kursor; end; #80:begin wykasuj; y:=y+1; if y>23 then y:=1; kursor; end; #75:begin wykasuj; x:=x-1; if x<1 then x:=25; kursor; end; #77:begin wykasuj; x:=x+1; if x>25 then x:=1; kursor; end; end; end;
until ((ch=#13) or (ch=#27));
Okno(150,100,490,190); SetColor(15); Centertext(320,110,'How do you want to called this level ?'); CenterText(320,130,'(For calcel, hit escape)'); przycisk(240,150,400,170,0,15); przycisk(241,151,399,169,8,7); SetFillStyle(1,15); Bar(242,152,398,168); zapomnij; ch:=#0; a:=0; s:=''; repeat if keypressed then begin ch:=ReadKey;
if ((((ord(ch)>=65) and (ord(ch)<=90)) or ((ord(ch)>=97) and (ord(ch)<=122))) and (a<8)) then begin if speaker then sound(100);Delay(10);if speaker then NoSound;s:=s+ch;a:=length(s);Zapomnij; if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound003.Raw',1);Delay(40);zapomnij;Wylacz;end; end; if ch=#8 then begin delete(s,length(s),1);a:=length(s); if speaker then sound(300);Delay(10);if speaker then NoSound; if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound003.Raw',1);Delay(20);zapomnij;Wylacz; end; end; SetFillStyle(1,15); Bar(242,152,398,168); SetColor(0); st(155,s); end; until ((ch=#13) or (ch=#27)); if ch=#13 then begin Assign(F,'.Level'+sr(trud)+''+s+'.lev'); Rewrite(F); for a:=1 to 25 do for b:=1 to 23 do Write(F,pl[a,b]);
Close(f); end; end; if ou=2 then begin okno(50,100,590,300); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(14); St(110,'OPTIONS MUSIC AND SOUND'); SetColor(15); SetTextStyle(2,0,4); tekst(80,215,'(1) No Sound'); tekst(183,215,'(2) PC Speaker'); tekst(280,215,'(3) MIDI'); tekst(380,215,'(4) Spk. + MIDI'); tekst(480,215,'(5) Sound'); Przycisk(75,122,175,230,10,8); Przycisk(180,122,265,230,10,8); Przycisk(270,122,365,230,10,8); Przycisk(370,122,465,230,10,8); Przycisk(470,122,580,230,10,8); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(15); st(250,'Press key for 1 to 5 to change option of sound'); narysuj('.Grafikadzdz5'); zapomnij; repeat ch:=ReadKey; until ((ch=#27) or (ch='1') or (ch='2') or (ch='3') or (ch='4') or (ch='5')); if ch<>#27 then begin if ch='1' then bi:=0; if ch='2' then bi:=1; if ch='3' then bi:=2; if ch='4' then bi:=3; if ch='5' then bi:=4; Assign(F,'.daneconfig.muz'); Rewrite(f); Write(f,bi); Close(f); if ((bi<>2) and (bi<>3) and SoundBlaster) then Wylacz_muzyke; raw:=false; speaker:=false; SoundBlaster:=false;
if bi=1 then begin Speaker:=true;
end; if bi=3 then begin SoundBlaster:=true; Speaker:=True; Graj_Muzyke('.MusicMUSIC3.HSC'); end; if bi=2 then begin SoundBlaster:=true; Graj_Muzyke('.MusicMUSIC3.HSC'); end; if bi=4 then begin Raw:=true; end;
end; if ou=3 then begin okno(150,100,490,300); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(15); st(110,'How many players ?'); for a:=0 to 1 do tekst(210+a*130,250,zkim[a+1]); narysuj('.Grafikadzdz8'); ch:=#0; repeat ch:=ReadKey; until ((ch='1') or (ch='2') or (ch=#27)); if ch='1' then dwoch:=false; if ch='2' then dwoch:=true;
end; if ou=4 then begin SetTextStyle(0,0,1); okno(150,100,490,250); SetColor(15); st(110,'GAME SPEED'); st(140,'To change speed game press left or right'); tekst(200,180,'Slow'); tekst(400,180,'Fast');
st(190,'LEVEL DIFFICULTY'); for a:=1 to 3 do begin if trud=a then SetColor(14) else SetColor(15); tekst(170+(a-1)*100,220,poztr[a]); end; przycisk(220,160,420,175,8,15); d:=szyb; SetFillStyle(1,9); Bar(221,161,419,174); SetFillStyle(1,12); Bar(221,161,221+(195-(d div 4)),174); repeat ch:=ReadKey; if ch=#0 then begin ch:=ReadKey; if ch=#77 then begin if d>5 then d:=d-5; SetFillStyle(1,9); Bar(221+(195-(d div 4)),161,419,174); SetFillStyle(1,12); Bar(221,161,221+(195-(d div 4)),174); if speaker then begin sound(d+100);Delay(5);NoSound;end; end; if ch=#75 then begin if d<775 then d:=d+5; SetFillStyle(1,9); Bar(221+(195-(d div 4)),161,419,174); SetFillStyle(1,12); Bar(221,161,221+(195-(d div 4)),174); if speaker then begin sound(d+100);Delay(5);NoSound;end; end; end else begin if ((ord(ch)>48) and (ord(ch)<52)) then begin if trud<>va(ch) then begin trud:=va(ch); if speaker then begin Sound(100);delay(50);NoSound; end; for a:=1 to 3 do begin if trud=a then SetColor(14) else SetColor(15); tekst(170+(a-1)*100,220,poztr[a]); end; end; end; end;
zapomnij; until ((ch=#27) or (ch=#13)); szyb:=d; for a:=1 to 15 do FreeMem(ob[a],r); if trud=1 then ZapamietajLat; if trud=2 then Zapamietaj; if trud=3 then Zapamietajtrud; end; end; until ou=5; if soundblaster then Wylacz_Muzyke; end; procedure losuj; Var a,b,c,d,ile:byte; czy:boolean; begin Randomize; if speaker then Sound(400); if not dwoch then begin czy:=true; if kul<=12 then ile:=3; if kul=13 then ile:=2; if kul=14 then ile:=1; if ile<3 then for a:=1 to 3 do kulki[a,3]:=0; end else ile:=3;
if (dwoch or (not dwoch and (kul<15))) then begin for d:=1 to ile do begin While (((pl[a,b]<>3) and (pl[a,b]<>11)) or czy) do begin a:=Random(25)+1; b:=Random(23)+1; czy:=false; for c:=1 to dg do if ((ga[c,1]=a) or (ga[c,2]=b)) then czy:=true; if dwoch then for c:=1 to dg do if ((ga2[c,1]=a) or (ga2[c,2]=b)) then czy:=true; end; if pl[a,b]=3 then begin kulki[d,3]:=1; pl[a,b]:=4; PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[4]^,0); end else begin kulki[d,3]:=3; pl[a,b]:=12; PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[12]^,0); end; kulki[d,1]:=a; kulki[d,2]:=b; end; end; {Dodatek} if Random(4)=2 then begin if kulki[4,3]>0 then begin if kulki[4,3]<3 then begin pl[kulki[4,1],kulki[4,2]]:=3; PutImage(10+(kulki[4,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[4,2]-1)*20,ob[3]^,0) end else begin pl[kulki[4,1],kulki[4,2]]:=11; PutImage(10+(kulki[4,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[4,2]-1)*20,ob[11]^,0); end; end;
czy:=true; While (((pl[a,b]<>3) and (pl[a,b]<>11)) or czy) do begin czaskuli:=40; a:=Random(25)+1; b:=Random(23)+1; czy:=false;
for c:=1 to dg do if ((ga[c,1]=a) or (ga[c,2]=b)) then czy:=true; if dwoch then for c:=1 to dg do if ((ga2[c,1]=a) or (ga2[c,2]=b)) then czy:=true; end; if pl[a,b]=3 then begin kulki[4,3]:=1; pl[a,b]:=6; PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[6]^,0); end else begin kulki[4,3]:=3; pl[a,b]:=14; PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[14]^,0); end; kulki[4,1]:=a; kulki[4,2]:=b; end; if speaker then NoSound; end;
procedure punkty; begin SetFillStyle(1,0); Bar(522,432,629,459); SetColor(15); SetTextStyle(0,0,2); tekst(530,440,sr(pkt)); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); end;
procedure szans; begin SetTextStyle(0,0,2); SetColor(2); tekst(520,70,'Lifes:'); SetColor(10); tekst(522,72,'Lifes:'); Przycisk(520,95,630,125,8,15); SetFillStyle(1,0); Bar(522,97,629,124); SetColor(15); tekst(530,100,'x '+sr(sz)); end;
procedure kule; begin SetFillStyle(1,0); Bar(522,232,629,259); SetColor(15); SetTextStyle(0,0,2); tekst(530,235,'x '+sr(kul)); end;
function ktora:byte; Var a:integer; begin for a:=1 to 3 do if ((kulki[a,1]=x) and (kulki[a,2]=y)) then ktora:=a; end;
function ktora2:byte; Var a:integer; begin for a:=1 to 3 do if ((kulki[a,1]=x2) and (kulki[a,2]=y2)) then ktora2:=a; end;
procedure monitor(s:string); Var a:integer; begin if speaker then Sound(100); SetTextStyle(2,0,4); xm:=xm+1; SetFillStyle(1,0); Bar(522,312,629,389); if xm>7 then begin for a:=2 to xm do monit[a-1]:=monit[a]; xm:=7; end; monit[xm]:=s; for a:=1 to 7 do tekst(525,305+10*a,monit[a]); if speaker then NoSound; end; procedure punkty2; begin SetFillStyle(1,0); SetTextStyle(0,0,2); Bar(522,170,629,200); przycisk(520,168,630,201,8,15); SetColor(15); tekst(530,177,sr(pkt2)); end;
procedure graj; Var a,b,c,d,klk:integer; level:boolean; begin if not dwoch then begin sz:=6-trud; lev:=1; pkt:=0; ch:=#0; wtopa:=false; sp:=szyb;
repeat ClearDevice; SetColor(15); SetTextStyle(2,0,5); st(200,'Level '+sr(lev)); if lev=13 then st(150,'LAST LEVEL !'); a:=200; zapomnij; level:=false; if not wtopa then kul:=0; if raw then GrajRaw('.Sound003.Raw',1);
repeat a:=a+1; Delay(10); SetFillStyle(1,0); d:=sz; if d>7 then d:=7; for c:=1 to d do begin Bar(a-60-c*10,220+c*30,a-61-c*10,240+c*30); for b:=4 downto 2 do begin PutImage(a-(b-1)*20-c*10,220+c*30,ob[1]^,0); end; PutImage(a-c*10,220+c*30,ob[9]^,0); end; until (keypressed or (a>440)); if raw then Wylacz; zapomnij; ClearDevice;
ch:=#0; Drzwi(3,3,637,477); Przycisk(9,9,511,470,8,15); Przycisk(520,430,630,460,8,15); SetFillStyle(1,0); Bar(522,432,629,459); SetTextStyle(0,0,2); SetColor(2); Tekst(522,410,'Points:'); SetColor(10); Tekst(524,412,'Points:'); Przycisk(520,230,630,260,8,15); SetFillStyle(1,0); Bar(522,232,629,259); SetTextStyle(0,0,2); SetColor(2); Tekst(522,210,'Balls:'); SetColor(10); Tekst(524,212,'Balls:');
Przycisk(520,310,630,390,8,15); SetFillStyle(1,0); Bar(522,312,629,389); SetColor(2); Tekst(522,280,'Monitor'); Tekst(522,143,'Level:'); SetColor(10); Tekst(524,282,'Monitor'); Tekst(524,145,'Level:'); SetFillStyle(1,0); Bar(522,170,629,200); przycisk(520,168,630,201,8,15); SetColor(15); tekst(530,177,sr(lev));
if not wtopa then begin Assign(F,'.level'+sr(trud)+'lev'+sr(lev)+'.lev'); Reset(f); for a:=1 to 25 do for b:=1 to 23 do Read(F,pl[a,b]);
a:=Random(25)+1; b:=Random(23)+1; While ((pl[a,b]<>3) and (pl[a,b]<>11)) do begin a:=Random(25)+1; b:=Random(23)+1; end; wc:=pl[a,b]; pl[a,b]:=10; wx:=a; wy:=b;
for a:=1 to 25 do for b:=1 to 23 do if (((pl[a,b]=4) or (pl[a,b]=6)) and wtopa) then pl[a,b]:=3 else if (((pl[a,b]=12) or (pl[a,b]=14)) and wtopa) then pl[a,b]:=11;
if not wtopa then wyjscie:=false; for a:=1 to 25 do for b:=1 to 23 do if (pl[a,b]<>10) then PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[pl[a,b]]^,0) else if not wyjscie then begin if wc=3 then PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[3]^,0) else PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[10]^,0) end else PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[10]^,0);
ch:=#0; dx:=0; dy:=1; x:=1; y:=1; ga[1,1]:=1; ga[1,2]:=1; ga[2,1]:=1; ga[2,2]:=0; ga[3,2]:=-1; ga[3,1]:=1; ga[4,2]:=-2; ga[4,1]:=1;
SetFillStyle(1,9); SetColor(9); FillEllipse(575,40,50,15); narysuj('.Grafikadzdz3'); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(0); centertext(575,35,'Black Amper'); if not wtopa then begin czaskuli:=0; kulki[4,3]:=0; end;
if not wtopa then czysc:=false; dg:=4; splev:=0; wtopa:=false; a:=Random(25); b:=Random(23); if kul<15 then begin losuj;klk:=3;end;
punkty; szans; kule; xm:=0; for a:=1 to 7 do monit[a]:=''; if kul<15 then begin Monitor('Find '+sr(15-kul)); Monitor('balls and'); end; if not wyjscie then Monitor('find exit') else monitor('go to exit');
SetFillStyle(5,14); bar(9,0,29,10);
repeat wyl:=false; {Ruch g¥sienic¥} if keypressed then begin ch:=ReadKey; key:=Port[$60]; if key>128 then key:=key-128; case ch of #151:begin if sz<30 then sz:=sz+1; szans; monitor('O no, you know'); monitor('pass for a life'); end; #152:begin if sz<30 then sz:=sz+1; szans; monitor('O no, you know'); monitor('pass for a life'); end; #205:begin if not wyjscie then begin wyjscie:=true; pkt:=pkt+500; punkty; PutImage(10+(wx-1)*20,10+(wy-1)*20,ob[10]^,0); monitor('You thief !'); end; end; #206:begin kul:=15-klk; kule; Monitor('This pass is only'); Monitor('for me...'); end; '†':begin lev:=lev+1; level:=true; monitor('Do you want format'); monitor('hard drive ?'); end; '¥':begin if splev<300 then begin splev:=splev+20; monitor('What ? To fast'); end; end; '©':begin if splev>-100 then begin splev:=splev-20; monitor('What ? To Slow'); end; end; 'p':begin Monitor('PAUSE. FOR BACK'); Monitor('TO GAME PRESS ANY'); Monitor('KEY'); czekaj; end; end; if ch=#0 then begin ch:=ReadKey;
case ch of #72:begin if dy<>1 then begin dy:=-1; dx:=0; end; end; #80:begin if dy<>-1 then begin dy:=1; dx:=0; end; end; #75:begin if dx<>1 then begin dx:=-1; dy:=0; end; end; #77:begin if dx<>-1 then begin dx:=1; dy:=0; end; end;
end; end; if ((ch<>#72) and (ch<>#0) and (ch<>#80) and (ch<>#77) and (ch<>#75) and (ch<>#27)) then zapomnij; end;
SetFillStyle(1,0); if pl[x,y]=3 then pl[x,y]:=11; if ((pl[x+dx,y+dy]=2) or (pl[x+dx,y+dy]=7) or (x+dx>25) or (y+dy>23) or (x+dx<1) or (y+dy<1)) then wtopa:=true;
if not wtopa then begin if ((ga[dg,1]>0) and (ga[dg,2]>0)) then PutImage(10+(ga[dg,1]-1)*20,10+(ga[dg,2]-1)*20,ob[pl[ga[dg,1],ga[dg,2]]]^,0); x:=x+dx; y:=y+dy;
for a:=dg downto 2 do begin ga[a,1]:=ga[a-1,1]; ga[a,2]:=ga[a-1,2]; if ((ga[a,1]>0) and (ga[a,2]>0)) then PutImage(10+(ga[a,1]-1)*20,10+(ga[a,2]-1)*20,ob[1]^,0); end; ga[1,1]:=x; ga[1,2]:=y;
if ((ga[1,1]>0) and (ga[1,2]>0)) then if dx=0 then PutImage(10+(x-1)*20,10+(y-1)*20,ob[8]^,0) else PutImage(10+(x-1)*20,10+(y-1)*20,ob[9]^,0);
for a:=1 to dg do for b:=1 to dg do begin if ((ga[a,1]=ga[b,1]) and (ga[a,2]=ga[b,2]) and (b<>a)) then wtopa:=true; end; end;
if ((pl[x,y]=6) or (pl[x,y]=14)) then begin if speaker then sound(600); if (raw and (not wyl)) then begin wyl:=true;GrajRaw('.Sound003.Raw',8);end; pkt:=pkt+300; punkty; kulki[4,3]:=0; pl[x,y]:=11; Monitor('BONUS :'); if Random(10)>5 then begin splev:=splev-30; Monitor('Fastest game'); end else If ((Random(5)<=2) and (dg>4)) then begin for a:=dg downto 4 do if ((ga[a,1]>0) and (ga[a,2]>0)) then PutImage(10+(ga[a,1]-1)*20,10+(ga[a,2]-1)*20,ob[pl[ga[a,1],ga[a,2]]]^,0); dg:=4; Monitor('Cut tail'); end else if ((Random(10)>5) and (kul<=10)) then begin kul:=15-klk; kule; Monitor('All balls'); Monitor('find,'); if ((wyjscie) and (kul=15)) then Monitor('go to exit') else if kul=15 then Monitor('Find exit'); end else if ((Random(10)>5) and not wyjscie) then begin PutImage(10+(wx-1)*20,10+(wy-1)*20,ob[10]^,0); pkt:=pkt+500; wyjscie:=true; punkty; Monitor('Exit is found'); Monitor('All is good.'); end else if ((Random(5)>=3) and not czysc) then begin for a:=1 to 25 do for b:=1 to 23 do begin if pl[a,b]=3 then pl[a,b]:=11; if pl[a,b]=4 then begin pl[a,b]:=12;end; if pl[a,b]=6 then begin pl[a,b]:=14;end; PutImage(10+(a-1)*20,10+(b-1)*20,ob[pl[a,b]]^,0); end; for a:=1 to 4 do if ((kulki[a,3]=1) or (kulki[a,3]=2)) then kulki[a,3]:=3; czysc:=true; wyjscie:=true; Monitor('Reveal map'); end else if Random(10)>5 then begin splev:=splev+50; Monitor('Slowly down'); Monitor('game'); end else begin sz:=sz+1; Monitor('You have new'); Monitor('life !!!'); szans; end;
if speaker then NoSound; end;
if ((pl[x,y]=4) or (pl[x,y]=12)) then begin if speaker then sound(600); if (raw and (not wyl)) then begin wyl:=true;GrajRaw('.Sound002.Raw',8);end; pkt:=pkt+100; punkty; kulki[ktora,3]:=0; pl[x,y]:=11; kul:=kul+1; Monitor('You found ball'); if ((kul<15) and (Random(100)<95)) then Monitor('Yet '+sr(15-kul)+' balls') else begin if kul<14 then begin Monitor('Yet '+sr(15-kul)+' wines...'); Monitor('O, Sorry - Balls'); end; end;
if kul>=15 then begin if wyjscie then Monitor('Go to exit') else Monitor('Search for exit'); if (raw and (not wyl)) then begin wyl:=true;GrajRaw('.Sound001.Raw',8);end; end;
klk:=klk-1; dg:=dg+1; ga[dg,1]:=ga[dg-1,1]; ga[dg,2]:=ga[dg-1,2]; kule;
if ((kul<=14) and (klk<1)) then begin losuj;klk:=3;end; if speaker then NoSound; end;
if ((pl[x,y]=10) and (kul>=15)) then begin monitor('NEXT LEVEL...'); pkt:=pkt+1000; punkty; lev:=lev+1; level:=true; if (raw and (not wyl)) then begin wyl:=true;GrajRaw('.Sound000.Raw',8);end; end;
if ((pl[x,y]=10) and (not wyjscie)) then begin Monitor('You found exit'); pkt:=pkt+500; punkty; dzwiek:=true; wyjscie:=true; if (raw and (not wyl)) then begin wyl:=true;GrajRaw('.Sound005.Raw',8);end; end;
if not dzwiek then begin pr:=(splev+sp-(lev*5)); if pr<30 then pr:=30; if pr>500 then pr:=500; delay(pr) end else begin dl:=1; for a:=1 to 5 do begin GrajDzwiek(3); pr:=(splev+sp-(lev*5)) div 5; if pr<5 then pr:=5; if pr>100 then pr:=100; delay(pr); end; dzwiek:=false; end; if wyl then wylacz; for b:=1 to 3 do begin if kulki[b,3]=1 then begin kulki[b,3]:=2; PutImage(10+(kulki[b,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[b,2]-1)*20,ob[5]^,0); end else if kulki[b,3]=2 then begin kulki[b,3]:=1; PutImage(10+(kulki[b,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[b,2]-1)*20,ob[4]^,0) end; if kulki[b,3]=3 then begin kulki[b,3]:=4; PutImage(10+(kulki[b,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[b,2]-1)*20,ob[13]^,0); end else if kulki[b,3]=4 then begin kulki[b,3]:=3; PutImage(10+(kulki[b,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[b,2]-1)*20,ob[12]^,0) end; end;
if kulki[4,3]>0 then begin if kulki[4,3]=1 then begin kulki[4,3]:=2; PutImage(10+(kulki[4,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[4,2]-1)*20,ob[6]^,0); czaskuli:=czaskuli-1; end else if kulki[4,3]=2 then begin kulki[4,3]:=1; PutImage(10+(kulki[4,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[4,2]-1)*20,ob[5]^,0); czaskuli:=czaskuli-1; end; if kulki[4,3]=3 then begin kulki[4,3]:=4; PutImage(10+(kulki[4,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[4,2]-1)*20,ob[14]^,0); czaskuli:=czaskuli-1; end else if kulki[4,3]=4 then begin kulki[4,3]:=3; PutImage(10+(kulki[4,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[4,2]-1)*20,ob[13]^,0); czaskuli:=czaskuli-1; end; if (czaskuli mod 5=0) then Monitor('Time :'+sr(czaskuli div 5)); if czaskuli<1 then begin if kulki[4,3]<3 then begin PutImage(10+(kulki[4,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[4,2]-1)*20,ob[3]^,0); pl[kulki[4,1],kulki[4,2]]:=3; end else begin PutImage(10+(kulki[4,1]-1)*20,10+(kulki[4,2]-1)*20,ob[11]^,0); pl[kulki[4,1],kulki[4,2]]:=11; end; kulki[4,3]:=0; Monitor('BONUS OVER'); end;
NoSound; if Random(400)=10 then monitor('Pascal is good'); if Random(400)=10 then begin monitor('Processor is');monitor('to hot !!!');end; if Random(300)=10 then Monitor('Testing monitor'); if Random(400)=10 then begin monitor('Hard drive');monitor('infected');end; if Random(400)=10 then monitor('Deleting Windows...'); if Random(500)=10 then monitor('!#@%$#$@%^@%^!*');
if wtopa then monitor('You lost life');
until ((ch=#27) or wtopa or level); for a:=1 to 320 do begin linia(0,a*2,640,a*2,0); end; if wtopa then begin sz:=sz-1; drzwi(200,100,440,140); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(15); st(115,'You lost life'); if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound006.Raw',1);Delay(100);Wylacz;end; end; if level then begin
c:=dg; for b:=1 to dg-1 do begin for a:=dg downto 1 do
begin PutImage(10+(ga[dg,1]-1)*20,10+(ga[dg,2]-1)*20,ob[pl[ga[dg,1],ga[dg,2]]]^,0); ga[a,1]:=ga[a-1,1]; ga[a,2]:=ga[a-1,2]; PutImage(10+(ga[a,1]-1)*20,10+(ga[a,2]-1)*20,ob[1]^,0); PutImage(10+(x-1)*20,10+(y-1)*20,ob[10]^,0); end;
for d:=1 to 50 do begin if speaker then Sound(d+100+51*c); pr:=(splev+sp-(lev*5)) div 50; if pr<0 then pr:=1; delay(pr); end; c:=c-1; end;
if speaker then NoSound; drzwi(200,100,440,140); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(15); st(115,'YOU PASS '+sr(lev-1)+' LEVEL !!!'); if raw then begin GrajRaw('.Sound002.Raw',8);Delay(500);Wylacz;end; end;
if (wtopa or level) then czekaj;
until ((ch=#27) or (sz<1) or (lev>13)); if lev>13 then begin ClearDevice; if soundblaster then Wylacz_muzyke; if soundblaster then Graj_muzyke('.MusicMUSIC5.HSC'); narysuj('.Grafikadzdz2'); czekaj; ClearDevice; for a:=1 to 32 do for b:=1 to 24 do if Random(10)>5 then PutImage((a-1)*20,(b-1)*20,ob[2]^,0) else PutImage((a-1)*20,(b-1)*20,ob[7]^,0); okno(100,40,540,450); SetTextStyle(0,0,2); SetColor(14); st(50,'HOW DO YOU DO THIS ?!'); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(15); st(90,'You are so good, that you pass last level.'); st(110,'That was amazing. My game is to hard for'); st(130,'normal people. Are you from other planet ?'); st(150,'(Just kidding). If you want more info then'); st(170,'you can tell me what are you want to know'); st(190,'brought net (my adress in menu : FROM AUTHOR)'); st(210,'but I write this here :'); st(230,'BlackAmper@poczta.onet.pl'); st(250,'If you make any programs in Turbo Pascal 7.0'); st(270,'then you can contact with me (I am from Poland)'); st(290,'And we can make games together. I search from'); st(310,'good graphic, music, programists (maybe be in'); st(330,'Turbo Pascal and Delphi). Anybody which help'); st(350,'me is in list of authors. Special thanks for :'); st(370,'Christian Wonschak from Riedligen.'); st(410,'Press any key'); czekaj; if soundblaster then Wylacz_muzyke; pascal; end; if sz<1 then begin ClearDevice; narysuj('.Grafikadzdz1'); czekaj; end; end else begin {Gra na dw¢ch graczy} ClearDevice; narysuj('.Grafikadzdz9'); SetTextStyle(2,0,8); SetColor(0); tekst(330,100,'I am going to win.'); tekst(120,350,'Ha ha ha ha ha'); czekaj; ClearDevice; okno(200,50,440,450); SetTextStyle(0,0,1); SetColor(15);
for a:=1 to 500 do pliki[a]:='- EMPTY -'; FindFirst('.level'+sr(trud)+'*.lev',Archive,naz); pliki[1]:=naz.Name;
d:=1; While DosError=0 do begin FindNext(naz); if doserror=0 then d:=d+1; if doserror=0 then pliki[d]:=naz.name;
end; c:=0;
st(60,'CHOSE LEVEL FOR GAME'); wokno(244,100,395,261); wokno(244,275,395,437); ch:=#60; zapomnij; SetFillStyle(1,15); Bar(245,101,394,260); gw_init; plik:=true; repeat gwi; delay(10);
if plik then begin Bar(260,101,380,260); for a:=1 to 10 do begin if a<>1 then SetColor(8) else SetColor(10); st(100+a*13,pliki[a+c]); SetColor(8); end; Assign(F,'.level'+sr(trud)+''+pliki[c+1]); Reset(F);
for a:=1 to 25 do for b:=1 to 23 do begin Read(F,pl[a,b]); if pl[a,b]=2 then begin SetFillStyle(1,9); Bar(245+(a-1)*6,276+(b-1)*7,250+(a-1)*6,282+(b-1)*7); przycisk(245+(a-1)*6,276+(b-1)*7,250+(a-1)*6,282+(b-1)*7,3,8); end; if pl[a,b]=7 then begin SetFillStyle(1,2); Bar(245+(a-1)*6,276+(b-1)*7,250+(a-1)*6,282+(b-1)*7); przycisk(245+(a-1)*6,276+(b-1)*7,250+(a-1)*6,282+(b-1)*7,10,8); end; if pl[a,b]=3 then begin SetFillStyle(1,6); Bar(245+(a-1)*6,276+(b-1)*7,250+(a-1)*6,282+(b-1)*7); PutPixel(245+(a-1)*6+Random(6),276+(b-1)*7+Random(7),14); end; if pl[a,b]=11 then begin SetFillStyle(1,8); Bar(245+(a-1)*6,276+(b-1)*7,250+(a-1)*6,282+(b-1)*7); end;
end; Close(F); plik:=false; x:=0; y:=0; end;